Sport and Recreation Strategy
Strategy Background
The KLSRC formed as a multi-stakeholder collaboration with the purpose to enhance and promote sport and recreation opportunities within the City of Kawartha Lakes. One of the most important accomplishments that will come as a direct result of enhanced collaboration within the sector will be the Kawartha Lakes Sport and Recreation Strategy (KLSRS). A sport and recreation strategy is not only a municipal document and not just a community document – it is a document designed to align current and emerging community needs with providers of community sport and municipal recreation, and stakeholders of health and education through a clearly articulated inter-sectoral shared leadership model. Development of the KLSRS was facilitated by the KLSRC and Community Sport Councils Ontario in consultation with sport and recreation stakeholders in CKL.
Over 50 stakeholders were surveyed, four public consultation sessions were held and a number of key stakeholders were interviewed. Recommendations of the KL SRS address issues raised through the consultation process and give clear actionable direction within Municipal, Provincial and Federal policy context. The KLSRS defines a shared leadership model to optimize partner contributions for efficient use of resources and serve as a tool for the development of quality sport, recreation and active living opportunities for all City of Kawartha Lakes citizens. The KLSRC extends thanks to all stakeholders of sport and recreation who provided input to help create a shared vision for sport and recreation in the CKL!
By 2025, the sport and recreation community in the City of Kawartha Lakes will be recognized for its progressive and collaborative leadership, enhancing the provision of opportunities for all people to be active to the extent of their ability and interest.
– The KLSRS vision for sport and recreation in the City of Kawartha Lakes
Presentation to City of Kawartha Lakes Council
The Kawartha Lakes Sport and Recreation Strategy was presented to City of Kawartha Lakes Council on Tuesday, February 14, 2017. The presentation was well-received by Councillors. Read the full write-up about the presentation here.
Download the Kawartha Lakes Sport and Recreation Strategy