Benefits of Collaboration

The Team Steffie cyclists had a support escort of children from the Boys and Girls Club Kawartha Lakes cycling camp and officers from Kawartha Lakes Police bike patrol as they prepared to start a 500-km ride on Thursday. This is the third year team has ridden to raise money for the Club, which runs sports programs supported by the Susan Denure Sports Fund. Mary Riley/This Week


Sport and recreation councils are mechanisms to encourage greater cooperation and collaboration among groups in the sectors of sport, recreation, health, education, and municipal government. Their development has been encouraged by municipal councils, appointed recreation advisory committees, staff, or tourism authorities to provide a collective voice for sport and recreation in a community. They are intended to break down barriers between activity groups, serve as a liaison on sport and recreation issues, and support joint advocacy regarding sport and recreation needs.SAGES Tai Chi

Some sport and recreation councils focus solely on promoting and advocating for sport and recreation in their communities, while others may execute an event hosting and economic development mandate as part of a larger sport tourism and economic development strategy in their respective community. Recently there has been a trend of established sport councils redefining their mandates to focus on building cross-sectoral collaborative partnerships between sport, recreation, health and education stakeholders. With continuous communication and enhanced collaboration, stakeholders are able to plan and allocate resources more effectively to enhance access to quality sport and recreation experiences for everyone in the community.

Benefits of a sport and recreation council include:

Adapted in part from Community Sport Councils Ontario © 2016