Physical Literacy Network for Early Learning Providers

Physical Literacy Network Launch

Thanks to a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, we have an opportunity to support early learning providers through training in physical literacy and providing quality active learning experiences to children. The grant will support the creation of a peer-to-peer network that will provide a forum for learning and resource sharing beyond the year-long project.

There is a need in the City of Kawartha Lakes for early learning providers to be supported with training in physical literacy, Long Term Participant Development, and Fundamental Movement Skills. Many early learning providers do not have the required experience or skills to confidently deliver quality active experiences. Only 9% of Canadian children get enough activity each day, obesity rates have nearly tripled in the last 30 years, and 20.9% of CKL children rank as developmentally not ready for grade 1. Children who are more physically active are more likely to have better, better developed motor skills, and increased psychological well-being, cognitive development, social competence and emotional maturity.

Through the OTF grant, providers will be supported to enhance physical development of children in early learning settings. Early learning providers have a teaching role that is integral to the physical development of children. With knowledge and understanding of movement and physical literacy, providers will develop the necessary skills and confidence to deliver quality active experiences for children. Through training and network building for providers, this project will increase access to quality physical activity for over 1500 children in the CKL.